Clearly things aren’t built to last so well in this modern, disposable world!

The plan was to make a few tweaks to the site in line with plans for this year, but as the old WordPress theme crashed I’ve basically had to rebuild the whole thing 🙁

Summary of changes:

As you might be able to tell the front end has a new theme, layout and feel to it.

I’ve put in a few sample news stories, but can’t remember if there were any interesting ones that I’ve left out!

If you have anything to add, suggest or contribute, feel free to send it on and we can work it out.

Also, if you spot any errors, typos or inappropriate content please let me know and I’ll see about changing it.

The members area, or back end, has also been through a refurbishment, but only content and not design.

For now a lot of the old content has been stripped out whilst it is updated and brought in line with the new coaching structure, but there is still a few things for you to read and check out.

The team login has gone so you will need your individual account details. A lot of ye already have accounts, but might need password resets. Just contact me if you can’t get in.

There are links and accounts for the various Socials, but as you know I’m not very sociable – hence the lack of content!!

If anyone wants to volunteer to be a team socialite and flood the world with meaningless hash tags, pictures, posts and memes then let me know and I can pass on account details.