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Gail to tear up the French countryside! standard

For those that don't know, our top try scorer from the last Euros had ankle fusion surgery over the winter and had a fun 3 months in a cast - it'll be a while until Gail can play sports with directional changes again, if ever sadly. Hopefully she will be back to add to her 50+ caps one day, but in the meantime she is starting rehab with rowing and the infinitely less exciting cycling. Never one to take things lightly she has signed up for the Paris2Nice Charity cycle (750km!) for later this year! Let's show our support by passing on any loose change (showing my age as everything is virtual now!) to her chosen charity which can be done ...

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Yet another web site relaunch! standard

Clearly things aren't built to last so well in this modern, disposable world! The plan was to make a few tweaks to the site in line with plans for this year, but as the old Wordpress theme crashed I've basically had to rebuild the whole thing :( Summary of changes: As you might be able to tell the front end has a new theme, layout and feel to it. I've put in a few sample news stories, but can't remember if there were any interesting ones that I've left out! If you have anything to add, suggest or contribute, feel free to send it on and we can work it out. Also, if you spot any errors, typos or inappropriate content please let me know ...

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Elegance 2023 registration is now open! standard

The premier Ladies only tournament in Europe has once again opened its doors to let people join - provided you pay of course :) Not only is it a good competition, it is also an excellent opportunity to gain competitive experience, gel as a squad and get a little sneak peak at other teams from around Europe. There's a poll in the WhatsApp group to see what interest is like before we commit to entering, but early signs don't look too promising. Remember that you don't have to be chasing a Euros spot to join in, but if you are then it's a great warm up and ...

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Being Elegant at Elegance, Paris 2022 standard

Europe’s premier Ladies Touch tourney delivered another fabulous and memorable trip. The lovely weather, glamorous goodie bags & fun boat trip were some of the highlights. The hotel mix up, random coach journey & officiating consistency could have been better, but didn’t detract too much. On the pitch more valuable lessons were learnt as the squad continues to build and take shape.

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Silkie vest, not a coat! image

The design team (me) went to great lengths to produce a selection of artistic and fancy jersey designs, but this is the one you chose ;) Ideal for tourney's like Elegance (where we can't wear national kits), for training hard in the blistering Irish heat (!) and to fill up that wardrobe with yet another Touch vest!! Cheap and cheerful from our chums in China. At least we can work on some slightly different tan lines with these ones! !!Happy ...

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