
The Euros, 8th – 12th August 2023, Vichy, France

Although we didn’t send over a team of our own ITA was represented in the Men’s Open and Mixed Open categories with a credible 2nd and 4th place finish respectively. Special mention to our own Emily for togging out for the Mixed Open, scoring a hat full of tries and literally carrying the flag for the Nation.

Check out the FIT website or YouTube to watch back some of the matches to get tips, ideas and improve your game knowledge: FIT Euros 2023



The ITA is please to announce the following coaches for teams for the 2023 European Touch Championships.

Team and Coaches:

  • Men’s Open – Christopher Johnson, John Ennis
  • Mixed Open – Billy Ngawini
  • Men’s Over 30s – Brian Leveau, Michael Kearney
  • Mixed Over 30s – Paul Brown
  • Women’s Over 35s – Tonka Selby, Rory Hickey
  • Men’s Over 40s – Peter Ashe-Browne
  • Men’s Over 50s – Frank Ennis

Players should register their interests for team selection at

Once logged in, Select Tournaments → Registration European Seniors Championships

You can indicate your interest in multiple teams.

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